Rental Applications

Hamilton, Cambridge and Te Awamutu

Let us find the right property for you. 

Please note: All intended occupants over the age of 18 need to complete the application process.

If you are a new Tenant – Occupant – Guarantor please click the APPLY ONLINE button below to apply online. Once this has been completed, please let the property manager know.

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Applying for your next home with Glasshouse

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Tenancy online

Easy online application process using

Apply for multiple properties across multiple agencies once your profile is set up. Get updates when a property is rented or your application is unsuccessful.

A mutually beneficial relationship

Tenant issue form

We value our tenants and strive to supply you with a good quality well-maintained home.

Using Tapi to manage repairs means that you are kept in the loop, with notifications when jobs are sent to suppliers, scheduled by suppliers, and completed.

Easy online portal to submit maintenance request includes the ability to upload photos of the problem.

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Tenant FAQ

Tenancy online

You should always contact us first. If it is a maintenance issue, we will get it fixed as soon as possible at no cost to you. If it is something you have caused, and we know that accidents happen, we can usually arrange a trades-person to do it for you at a discounted rate, and then make arrangements for payment.
We do this every three months. We find it is good to keep in regular contact with you and keep on top of maintenance issues. Also in many cases, insurance companies require an inspection every three months as a part of their policy. We will always give you written notice of an inspection, and we make sure we are as least disruptive as possible during the process.
We take four weeks rent as bond, all bonds are lodged with the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment.
This depends on the property. In most cases cats are allowed, whereas dogs depend on the property and the owner. We will generally advertise a property as dog-friendly if it allows dogs, but if you have a dog and are having trouble finding a property, please contact us and we can let you know what is coming up.

Care is our founding principle. By caring we have grown to over 1000 properties.

Cared for Properties

Cared for Properties

Careful Tenants

Careful Tenants

Caring Property

Caring Property

Better Investment
Outcomes for You

Better Investment
Outcomes for You