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Current Rental Agency Details

Properties to be transferred to Glasshouse Property Management

Transfer of Management Advice

This email/letter serves to advise you of the termination of the Management Agreement for the above Property/Properties and provides the required notice as per the Management Agreement.

Glasshouse Property Management is the Agency appointed as Managing Agent.

Please hand over the following items to the Agency Representative as indicated below.

- Change of Landlord Form
- Copy of Tenancy Agreement
- All keys and access items
- Copy of last Routine Inspection Report
- Copy of Entry Statement of Condition Reports
- Copy of Tenant's Ledger, tenant's contact number & email address

For any further information please contact Glasshouse Property Management on 0800 555 210 . Thank you for your co-operation.

Care is our founding principle. By caring we have grown to over 1000 properties.

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Cared for Properties

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Careful Tenants

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Caring Property

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