Maximise Your Return With The Property Management Experts

Rental Appraisals for

How Is Rent Appraised?

Setting the value of your home in Hamilton, Te Awamutu, Cambridge and Morrinsville.
Want to rent your property but aren’t sure how much it is worth? A rental appraisal can provide valuable insight into your property’s potential rental income.

The property management experts at Glasshouse Property Management thoroughly understand current market conditions. They can help you set your rent at the correct rate to maximise your return and attract quality tenants.


Why choose Glasshouse Property Management for your rental appraisal

In order to maximise your long-term financial return, it’s important to set your rent at the right level. You want to minimise the time your property is vacant, while maximising the amount of money you bring in.

At Glasshouse, we understand that you want to get the highest possible amount, but we also know how to ensure your rent is competitive with other properties currently available.

Let us use our extensive knowledge of the wider rental market to set your rent at the right amount.

How OUR rental valuation works

We work closely with you when we do a rental appraisal on your property. Keeping rents appropriate to market conditions is key to maximising your return on investment.

Using our industry expertise, we can then give you advice based on our general understanding of market rent. As a result of our many years in the business, we can tell you how many viewings are converted into tenancies, how listing at different times of year impacts prices and how many viewings there are; and whether the rent is too high or low for the current economic situation.

You can then use this information to make a decision about what you would like to set your rent at.

rental listings website for Glass House Property Management
Glass house property manager inspecting a modern home in Hamilton

Beware - Not All Rental Appraisals Are Accurate

Some rental agencies may promise you a high rent amount, but don’t be sucked in by this.

They may make such promises to get you to sign up with them, but if the rent is too high your property could sit empty for a long time and you’ll be locked into a contract.

This is why at Glasshouse we always look at where the rental market is at to ensure your rent is set at a reasonable amount. Of course, we want you to maximise your returns, but we also know the high cost of your property sitting empty for extended periods of time.

Learn more about How to Choose A Property Manager and the 7 questions you should ask before hiring them.

Rental appraisals for new investors

Are you considering buying an investment property? Why not have one of our local property experts provide you with a trustworthy professional market rental appraisal before you buy?

If you’re new to property investment, you want to get as much information as possible to help you navigate this exciting venture. Our friendly team understands the local market and can give you solid advice to get the most from your investment.

property manager viewing a rental property
glass house property management company vehicle

About Glasshouse Property Management

As Hamilton’s property management experts, Glasshouse offers a lot more than just rental appraisals. We also offer:

Glasshouse takes its duty of care as property managers seriously – we strive to care for both tenants and landlords, ensuring your property attracts quality tenants who will care for your investment.

We also offer property renovation management services. Find out why so many landlords in Hamilton and Cambridge and Te Awamutu entrust us with their valuable properties by contacting us today.

Care is our founding principle. By caring we have grown to over 1000 properties.

Cared for Properties

Cared for Properties

Careful Tenants

Careful Tenants

Caring Property

Caring Property

Better Investment
Outcomes for You

Better Investment
Outcomes for You